Personal Development: Be Kind


Kindness towards all people brings light to our world. 

W e can never truly know just how much a kind word, action or gesture can mean to another person.  What may be a very simple utterance or overture, can be the difference between hope and despair, feelings of inclusion versus exclusion, and can remind us of our shared humanity! It doesn’t take a lot to make an impact in someone else’s life.  A thoughtful phone call to check in, a little note in your child’s or significant other’s lunchbox, to let them know you love them, a quick visit to an elderly neighbor’s home, to see if you can help out in some way.  Little things ABSOLUTELY mean a lot, and with all the pressures, responsibilities and distractions this world places upon us, we need to be intentional in our efforts to remember how important our kindness is to others.  Kindness (like courtesy) is contagious. The more we spread, the more it grows.  When we give, we receive the gift of feeling good in ourselves, knowing we have made a positive difference for another. The recipient of our thoughtfulness also feels good, knowing they are seen, valued and heard! It doesn’t have to cost much or anything at all. Time is a precious commodity and one we have to cultivate carefully. Instead of spending endless hours scrolling Instagram or bingeing Netflix, make up your mind to incorporate small acts of kindness, this new year.  Make it a family affair! Include your spouse, your kids, and your friends.  Decide upon a few small first steps and notice how uplifted you will begin to feel, just in brainstorming simple ways to bring kindness to others. It is a gift that keeps on giving and becomes a beautiful testament to a life well lived! Kindness towards all people, whether they be known to us or not, brings light to our world.  Setting wonderful examples for our youth and for our community is another important part of this process.  Contribute to a charitable event or participate in fundraising for a worthy cause.  Bring awareness to the needs of others, at large.  Oftentimes, people are reluctant to “bother” others or feel uncomfortable in stepping into a leadership role.  You don’t need to concern yourself with these notions. Those who wish to participate can and will. Many times, you will find that people are unaware of the needs of others, and actually will appreciate your efforts to inform them. Whether near or far, make sharing and spreading kindness a resolution for life, and bring untold happiness and joy to all, whose lives you touch, including your own!