9700 Jobs and Counting


Don Benenson, SPHR, is the owner of MVP Resumes. He has over 30+ years of corporate HR experience and happily helps clients with resume 
preparation and interviewing skills. He can be reached at 
631-428-5877 or at 

Per The Department of Labor, 9700 jobs were added to Long Island’s private sector in April and May. So, if you are a job seeker who is allergic to the LIRR and wants to work on the Island, this situation is encouraging. What’s not, is how fierce the competition is. 

Here is a simple strategy I use with my clients whether they are recent college grads, tenured professionals making a change, or returnees to the workplace. Follow this strategy, called RUSH, and I am confident that you will not only be successful in your job search but also avoid the emotional rollercoaster ride that so many experience  when searching for a job.

R: Realize that your cover letter and 
resume can literally change your life
If your cover letter and resume are not compelling your phone won’t ring! Hiring managers read countless resumes daily with most of them inducing a zombie like catatonic state. Your cover letter and resume must be written in such an exemplary manner that the hiring manager is calling you after reading the last sentence on your resume.  

U-Understand the emotional nature of searching for a job. Prepare to persevere
The unmitigated truth about looking for a job is that it wreaks havoc on your psyche. You apply for jobs and hear nothing. Or, you finally land a phone interview, think it went well and never hear back. You have an in-person interview, leave feeling that you got the job, and then don’t get it-or worse yet, don’t even get a courtesy call back or email advising you that you were not selected

To the best of your ability, don’t let the dark side of job hunting kill off the optimism, energy and commitment you need to be successful. 

S: Strategy versus spray and pray
The job search game is not about how many resumes you fire off each day. It’s about applying to jobs that the moment you hit the send button you have a high level of confidence that you have what it takes to get a call to discuss your qualifications. Read job specifications like a detective. Then analyze your cover letter/resume in comparison to those clues and as applicable, modify them to get the most perfect fit possible. 

H: Have daily goals and hold yourself 
accountable to meet them
It’s not uncommon to begin a job search with the passion of what Springsteen exudes during a 3 hour gig. However, as things don’t go as planned you begin feeling like the marathoner who hits the proverbial wall and stops running.  Push yourself Monday through Friday and then do absolutely nothing relative to your search during the weekend. If you don’t, you’ll start to suffer from burnout and feel less and less inclined to keep hammering away.

Indeed, there are many success factors in a job search. However, RUSH will serve you well and hopefully help you land a great job in the shortest amount of time possible.